


scene=1 name="puzzle nXn" cs=brown
section init
     call menu=menu

menu menu
     tile=title text = @select_puzzle_dimension
     tile=item text="2x2" section=22
     tile=item text="3x3" section=33
     tile=item text="4x4" section=44
     tile=item text="5x5" section=55
     tile=item text="6x6" section=66
     // tile=item text="7x7" section=77
     tile=item text="<" section=back

section 22
     call scene=2

section 33
     call scene=2

section 44
     call scene=2

section 55
     call scene=2

section 66
     call scene=2

section 77
     call scene=2

section back
     call script=13_0_games

end scene

scene=2 name="puzzle nXn" cs=brown
section init
     if #_orientation == portrait
     split image=#image dimension=$concate(#tiles_w,"x",#tiles_h) directory=#directory
     // after SPLIT we have 2 fields - #_image_width and #_image_height
     if #_orientation == portrait
          // #x_offset=(#_width_virtual-#_image_width)/2
          // #x_offset=(#_width_virtual-#_image_width)/2
     // compute of tile width
     #tile_width= #_image_width/#tiles_w
     // compute of tile height
     #tile_height= #_image_height/#tiles_h
     // for select ot change tiles
     // compute count of tiles
     clear form=#form
     create tile=text name=title x=0 y=40 h=120 text=#tt gravity=center weight=bold style=italic s=38
     // create form with tiles
     for #index=0 step=1 to=#counter section= bb
     // marker
     create tile=rect name=rect x=0 y=0 w= 15 h= 15 bgcolor=red color=red visible=0
     // mix the pieces
     for #index=0 step=1 to=10 section=rand
     draw form=#form
end section

section rand
     // get number of name for first piece
     // get number of name for second piece
     // exchange of text content for paar tiles
     #t= $form.exchange_text(#form,#s1,#s2)
     // example: #s1=1 #s2=3
     // result:
     // tile=image_tile name=1 ... text=3_1
     // tile=image_tile name=3 ... text=1_1
end section

section bb
     // compute row-number
     #_y= #index/#tiles_w
     #_y= $math.truncate(#index/#tiles_w)
     // compute column-number
     // create tile name -> e.g. 1_1 2_1 3_1 etc.
     // compute coordinate
     #x= #x_offset+(#_x-1)*#tile_width
     // draw image tile
     create tile=image_tile name=$value(#index) x=#x+2 y=#y+2 w=#tile_width-2 h=#tile_height-2 text=#tile_name
     // draw button over image tile
     create tile=button name=$value(#button_name) x=#x-1 y=#y-1 w=#tile_width h=#tile_height text=#index color=transparent bgcolor=transparent section=b

section b
     // after touch over piece
     // first touch, select first tile
     if #step==1
          #tile1= #_selected_button_text
          set form=#form name=title text=#tt
          set form=#form name=rect visible=1 x=#x_rect y=#y_rect
     // second touch, select second tile and change names of tiles
     if #step==2
          #tile2= #_selected_button_text
          // change text content (text as name)
          // set for next select
          set form=#form name=title text=#tt
          set form=#form name=rect visible=0
     draw form=#form
end section

section back
     call scene=1
end section

end scene



1. 000_templates
2. 000_template_dialog_buttons
3. 000_template_dialog_input_name_pass
4. 000_template_dialog_input_number
5. 000_template_dialog_message
6. 000_template_list
7. 000_template_list_from_directory
8. 000_template_menu
9. 000_template_menu_from_array
10. 000_template_menu_from_file
11. 000_template_menu_simple
12. 01_0_notes
13. 01_1_add_notes
14. 01_2_selectall_notes
15. 01_2_select_all_notes
16. 01_3_select_theme_notes
17. 01_4_edit_note
18. 01_5_edit_or_delete_note
19. 02_0_work_with_person
20. 03_0_directory
21. 03_10_directory_list
22. 03_10_show_directory
23. 03_11_copy_from_directory
24. 03_1_create_directory
25. 03_2_delete_directory
26. 03_3_copy_script_from_download
27. 03_4_list_screenshots
28. 03_5_list_cameras
29. 03_6_list_images
30. 03_7_list_icons
31. 03_8_list_flags
32. 03_9_copy_from_whatsapp
33. 04_0_server_and_web
34. 04_1_download_image
35. 04_2_download_music_files
36. 04_3_download_flags
37. 04_4_download_csv_stream
38. 04_6_my_links
39. 04_7_run_program
40. 05_002_draw_graphic
41. 05_003_draw_graphic
42. 05_004_draw_graphic
43. 05_00_draw_graphic
44. 05_01_draw_image
45. 05_02_draw_lines_and_points
46. 05_03_draw_chart
47. 05_04_draw_chart_lines
48. 05_05_draw_text
49. 05_06_draw_polygon
50. 05_07_draw_pendel
51. 05_08_draw_random_circle
52. 05_11_draw_circle
53. 05_12_draw_ellipse
54. 05_13_draw_rect
55. 05_14_draw_rotate
56. 05_14_finger_painting
57. 05_15_draw
58. 05_17_moving_circles
59. 05_18_draw_spiral
60. 05_19_draw_lights
61. 05_20_draw_chart_3columns
62. 05_21_draw_chart3
63. 05_21_draw_chart_points
64. 05_22_draw_color_bar
65. 05_23_pop_up_balls
66. 05_25_move_rect
67. 05_26_draw_arc
68. 05_26_draw_axes
69. 05_26_draw_sector
70. 05_26_draw_segment
71. 06_1_primitive_circle
72. 06_2_primitive_dialog
73. 06_3_primitive_loop
74. 06_4_primitive_menu
75. 06_5_primitive_multiline
76. 06_6_primitive_timer
77. 06_7_primitive_message
78. 06_8_primitive_form
79. 06_9_primitive_hello
80. 07_0_google_map
81. 07_1_show_map_dialog
82. 07_2_search_on_map_dialog
83. 07_3_navi_dialog
84. 07_4_navi_from_file
85. 07_5_map_street
86. 07_6_show_kml
87. 07_7_show_my_place
88. 08_0_form_tiles
89. 08_0_form_tiles_landscape
90. 08_10_tile_rect
91. 08_1_tile_button
92. 08_1_tile_button_landscape
93. 08_2_tile_text
94. 08_3_tile_image
95. 08_4_tile_radiobutton
96. 08_5_tile_checkbox
97. 08_6_tile_seekbar
98. 08_7_tile_spinner
99. 08_8_tile_togglebutton
100. 08_9_tile_switch
101. 09_0_geotest
102. 09_1_flags
103. 09_2_capitals
104. 09_2_capitals.script
105. 10_1_select_file
106. 11_0_work_with_scripts
107. 11_1_select_script
108. 11_2_browse_script
109. 11_4_select_myscript
110. 12_0_reactiontest
111. 12_1_reaction_black_square
112. 12_2_reaction_blue_square
113. 12_3_test_compute
114. 13_0_games
115. 13_1_game15
116. 13_3_puzzle
117. 14_000_work_with_files
118. 14_00_work_with_files
119. 14_0_work_with_files
120. 14_10_edit
121. 14_10_test_format
122. 14_11_encrypting_files
123. 14_12_restructuring
124. 14_12_restructurisation
125. 14_13_sort_and_sum
126. 14_14_convert_files
127. 14_15_update_records
128. 14_16_delete_records
129. 14_17_read_file_to_string
130. 14_18_select_color
131. 14_19_browse_xml
132. 14_1_browse_cars
133. 14_2_create_file
134. 14_3_list_from_file
135. 14_4_read_file
136. 14_5_2_save_result
137. 14_5_save_result
138. 14_6_get_record
139. 14_7_show_records
140. 14_8_select_color
141. 14_9_merge_files
142. 15_0_play_music
143. 16_0_play_sound
144. 17_0_test_function
145. 17_1_test_function_math
146. 17_2_test_function_string
147. 17_3_test_function_date
148. 17_4_test_function_files
149. 17_5_test_function_array
150. 17_6_test_function_all
151. 17_7_test_function_tables
152. 17_8_paragraph
153. 18_0_lessons
154. 18_square_equation
155. 19_0_notification
156. 20_0_calendar_test
157. 21_0_calculator
158. 22_shopping_list
159. 25_1_hash_get_capital
160. 25_2_simple_hash_array
161. 25_3_simple_array
162. 25_4_transform_dictionary
163. 25_work_with_array
164. 26_1_dictionary_support
165. 26_2_dictionary_languages
166. 26_3_dictionary_example
167. 26_dictionary
168. 28_installed_apps
169. 30_0_loop
170. 30_1_read_array_split_loop
171. 30_1_read_array_split_loop.script
172. 30_2_loop_in_loop
173. 30_loop
174. 32_search_internet
175. 32_search_on_the_internet
176. 33_date
177. abstract
178. bouquets
179. buttons-1
180. buttons-2
181. buttons-3
182. buttons-4
183. buttons-5
184. buttons-6
185. call_scriptA
186. call_scriptB
187. creating_dynamic_list
188. creating_dynamic_menu
189. examples_apps
190. examples_apps2
191. examples_basic_elements
192. examples_dialog
193. examples_form
194. examples_list
195. examples_main
196. examples_menu
197. examples_work_with_screen
198. hello_world
199. hello_world_1
200. hello_world_2
201. hello_world_2_landscape
202. hello_world_3
203. hello_world_4
204. hello_world_5
205. hello_world_6
206. hello_world_7
207. muster
208. myscripts
209. pie_chart
210. poem
211. property
212. scaling_form
213. SERVICE_example_person
214. sky
215. sky_landscape
216. words
217. _assistant
218. _assistant_CREATE_DIALOG
219. _assistant_CREATE_FORM
220. _assistant_CREATE_LIST
221. _assistant_CREATE_MENU
222. _assistant_DIALOG
223. _assistant_DIRECTORY
224. _assistant_FORM
225. _assistant_LIST
226. _assistant_MENU
227. _browse_script
228. _calendar
229. _colors
230. _copy_script_from_download
233. _create_script
234. _create_service_file
235. _dictionary
236. _dictionary_example
237. _dictionary_support
238. _directories_extend
239. _download_and_browse_docu
240. _download_sample_list
241. _download_sample_scripts
242. _editor
243. _editor_landscape
244. _editor_portrait
245. _files_menu
247. _get_dictionary
248. _get_examplescripts_from_server
249. _get_scripts_from_server
250. _get_systemscripts_from_server
251. _globals
252. _language
253. _last
254. _list_files
255. _mainmenu
256. _mainmenu.script
257. _menu
258. _more
259. _muster
260. _mydictionary
261. _mydictionary_example
262. _mydictionary_support
263. _myfirst
264. _my_friends
265. _notifications
266. _popupmenu
267. _popupmenu_win
268. _repaire
269. _sample_list
270. _scripts_menu
271. _selectmyscript
272. _selectproject
273. _selectsample
274. _selectsystem
275. _SERVICE_for_example_person
276. _setting_colorscheme
277. _setting_config
278. _setting_dateformat
279. _setting_emails
280. _setting_font
281. _setting_friends
282. _setting_language
283. _setting_menu
284. _setting_menu2
285. _setting_parameters
286. _setting_profile
287. _setup2
288. _setup3
289. _setup4
290. _setup6
291. _setup7
292. _setup_download_files
293. _setup_download_flags
294. _setup_download_icons
295. _setup_download_images
296. _setup_download_music
297. _setup_download_schemes
298. _setup_download_sound
299. _system_sound
300. _tables
301. _tables_fields
302. _template_dialog
303. _template_dialogue
304. _template_form
305. _template_list
306. _template_menu
307. _test_profile
308. _thanks
309. _trace
310. _upload_script
Die bereitgestellten Screenshots können geringfügig von den tatsächlichen Ergebnissen der Skripte abweichen.